CSO capacity building workshop on public procurement system in Zambia

Lusaka, March 13, 2024

On Wednesday 13th March, 2024. The Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) Lusaka held a Project Launch and a capacity building workshop, to mark the start of the ‘Enhanced oversight and monitoring of public procurement in Zambia’s education sector’ project.

The workshops aims to stimulate broad discussions towards adopting a transparent, fair and competitive public procurement system so as to achieve policy inclusiveness and enhanced, oversight and monitoring of public procurement in the sector. It focused on various legislative and regulatory pieces such as, the Public Procurement Act of 2020, the Anti-Corruption Act of 2012, Public Finance Management Act of 2018 and the Companies Act of 2017.

The meeting attracted a wide range of participants that incuded the Legal Consultant who led deliberations, the Zambia Public Procurement Authority, Anti-Corruption Commission, Financial Intelligence Centre, and Office of the Auditor General’s Office, GIZ and representatives of various local Civil Society Organisations. The objectives of the workshop were to:

  • To enhance the capacity of Non-State Actor, CSOs and citizens to understand and engage with the public procurement system in the education sector.
  • To empower participants to advocate for the implementation of key recommendations from the Governance Diagnostic Assessment (GDA) and other relevant reports.
  • To facilitate training using the monitoring toolkit that can be utilized by participants to address public procurement issues effectively.
