Engagement for Results in SADC Regional Integration

Consumer Unity & Trust Society (CUTS) Lusaka and the Sustainable Development Goals Centre for Africa (SDGCA) jointly implemented a 17-month project titled “Engagement for Results: Capacitating Regional Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and their networks to effectively participate in the SADC regional integration process” which concluded in July 2023. The project was part of the Integrated Institutional Capacity-Building (IICB) by the SADC Secretariat for CSO stakeholders financed under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). It was implemented in four SADC Member States namely: Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The goals of the project were to:

  • strengthen the capacity of Regional CSOs and their structures to effectively engage with key stakeholders (SADC Secretariat and Institutions, national governments and citizens) to contribute toward the implementation of the SADC regional integration agenda;
  • enhance the role and efficacy of Regional CSOs and their networks to effectively document, disseminate and communicate progress on the regional integration agenda to the public and other stakeholders. This resulted in an effective contribution to the achievement of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) – (2020-2030) and SADC Vision 2050.

As part of the project activities, CUTS International and SDGCA mobilised and engaged CSOs involved in Regional Integration in SADC to bring their voices together and find ways to enhance their capacities. The project also ensured that the Non-State Actors (NSAs) fully understood the current advocacy landscape, and identified the opportunities and challenges in the implementation of SADC Regional Integration.

By implementing this project, CUTS Lusaka, SDGCA, and their partners contributed significantly to the regional integration process in the SADC region, empowering NSAs to actively engage in shaping the future of the region for the benefit of all its citizens. During the project implementation phase, CSOs played a crucial role in promoting sustainable and equitable economic growth, socio-economic development, good governance, and peace within the region.