Funder: Oxfam (US$ 4,311.00) Duration January 2020 to March 2020 (extended to December 2020 on account of COVID-19)
The project aimed to advocate for a more efficient farmer input support programme in Zambia.
It sought to promote agricultural trade by influencing policies and practices and working with small farmer organisations; It also aimed to highlight climate change and its linkages with development aspects of trade and agriculture. This project came to an end following a field monitoring visit by a team comprising Oxfam, IAPRI and CUTS team members, a report was published and shared with Members of Parliament.
Project Name: Engagement for Results: Capacitating Regional Civil Society Organizations and their networks to effectively participate in the SADC regional integration process.
The Funder: Southern African Development Community (SADC) USD $ 414,000.00 total amount Lead applicant US$ 217, 000.00 Co-applicant USD $ 197,000. 00
This project is part of the Integrated Institutional Capacity-Building for the SADC Secretariat and National Stakeholders (IICB) in partnership with its stakeholders in achieving regional commitments. As part of the ongoing initiatives, CUTS International and the implementing partner, Sustainable Development Goals Centre for Africa (SDGC/A) based in Zambia, are currently mobilising CSOs/NSAs engaged and or interested in Regional Integration in SADC to bring their voices together and find ways to enhance their capacities to make an effective contribution to the achievement of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) – (2020-2030) and SADC vision 2050.
CUTS International, Lusaka and SDGCA are implementing an 18-month project entitled “Engagement for Results: Capacitating Regional Civil Society Organisations and their networks to effectively participate in the SADC regional integration process.” This project is part of the Integrated Institutional Capacity-Building for the SADC Secretariat and National Stakeholders (IICB) financed under the 11th European Development Fund (EDF). The project will be implemented in the SADC region in Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
The goals of the project are to:
- a) strengthen the capacity of Regional CSOs’ and their structures to effectively engage with key stakeholders (SADC Secretariat, national governments and citizens) to contribute toward the implementation of the SADC regional integration agenda; and
- b) to enhance the role and efficacy of Regional CSOs and their networks to effectively document, disseminate and communicate progress on the regional integration agenda to the public and other stakeholders.
The objective of the project is to contribute to the achievement of the Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan (RISDP) – (2020-2030) and SADC vision 2050 by catalysing effective NSAs’ (national and regional) engagement in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of regional integration process. The specific objective is to strengthen the capacity of Regional CSOs’ and their structures to effectively engage with key stakeholders (SADC Secretariat, national governments and citizens) to contribute toward the implementation of the SADC regional integration agenda.
The second specific objective is to enhance the role and efficacy of Regional CSOs and their networks to effectively document, disseminate and communicate the regional integration agenda to the public and other stakeholders.
The main activities
– mapping of target CSOs, identifying gaps, developing and implementing capacity building work plans
– strengthening CSO structures and means of engagement on regional integration commitments
– public awareness, citizen engagement and momentum building for target CSOs and their networks.
Africa (OSISA) is part of the global network of Open Society Foundations (OSF) and operates in 11 southern African countries: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe. OSISA promotes open society values by working towards building vibrant and tolerant democracies across the region through our various thematic and country programmes.
Activity: CUTS International held a full Virtual Conference on the September 15, 2021 themed African Southern African Regional Virtual Conference on Strengthening Integration into the AfCFTA Total registered 268 participants.
This webinar was intended to focus on the regional Integration of Southern African countries. To highlight several structural and institutional weaknesses that had previously affected these regional communities and hampered the opportunities for the already existing membership in the regional economic communities like SADC and COMESA. Hence, it is worth noting that building on the weaknesses faced around competition and investment in the current RECs, including issues relating to the service industry, issues of Intellectual property rights, as well as mining and the various dynamics bordering on extractive transparency initiatives and finally, the future of RECS in the presence of AfCFTA.
CUTS Lusaka sought to hold a Southern African virtual conference to discuss the diverse prospects and challenges that need to be addressed to integrate countries into the AfCFTA successfully.