Framework for Competition Reforms – Practitioner’s Guidebook(FCR-PG)
This tool/guide developed by CUTS under the CREW project provides a methodology to link elements of competition and regulatory reforms with indicators of consumer and/or producer welfare. It has been tested to be useful for practitioners in highlighting the need for pro-competitive reforms in key sectors in developing countries.
Sectoral Framework for Competition Reforms (FCR-Sectoral)
In order to explain the process of application of the FCR-PG, CUTS developed two sectoral guides one each for the staple food sector and the bus transport sector. The broad methodology presented in these detailed resource handbooks can be used for other sectors as well. It is expected to guide the practitioner who wishes to understand the detailed process for applying the FCR-PG in these two sectors, through a simple, step-wise process with a lot of examples/illustrations from the ground.
FCR-Sectoral (Staple Food)
FCR-Sectoral (Bus Transport)