In recent years sustainable food systems have emerged as a major topic of discussion with many stakeholders differing on the possibility of attaining a food secure global economy. In spite of this debate, different players continue to make efforts to promote a food secure global economy and the importance of this is reflected by the inclusion of sustainable production and consumption within the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as goal number 12.
Although sustainable food systems encompass both production and consumption, at present most of the current efforts towards promoting a food secure global economy have tended to focus on sustainable production efforts. Efforts towards promoting sustainable food consumption primarily through promoting sustainable markets have remained marginal. Sustainable food systems therefore could be further supported if current projects were able to work to promote markets for sustainable foods.
This project seeks to put policies in place at both the local and national levels in such a way that they will influence both the consumption of sustainable diets. The project will focus on two key areas. The project involves working with the Lusaka City Council to develop a food policy that harnesses the potential within the informal market sector. And
- Facilitate stakeholder meetings with Ministry of Local Government, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Water, Ministry of Natural Resources
- Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry
- Stakeholder Meeting to discuss the role of each government ministry on the development of food policy
- Development of TOR for Food Policy Council highlighting the role of each institution in development of food policy
- Validation of TOR and Launch of Lusaka Food Policy Council Facilitator
- Training Informal marketeers on Sustainable diets
- External Consultant
- Monthly press communication on the importance of the informal markets
- Animation on the importance of the informal sector
The project implementation is sponsored by HIVOS
Hivos was one of the first major Dutch NGOs that opened offices in the 1980s in the Global South to operate in the close vicinity of its civil society partners, beneficiaries and other stakeholders there. It believes that necessary changes should spring from communities themselves from people at the base of society
- Invitation of CVs for the external consultant
- Training Informal marketeers on Sustainable diets
October 11, 2019
October 2, 2019
- Development of a Lusaka Food Policy Council
- Development of a key food policy documents with the Lusaka City Council
What’s New
- Invitation of CVs for the external consultant
October 11, 2019