Public Lecture on the Roe of Parliamentary Debt Oversight in Zambia

Lusaka, November 27, 2023

On Monday, November 27, 2023, CUTS organised a Public Lecture under the theme ‘The Vital Role of Parliamentary Debt Oversight in Zambia.’ Attended by diverse participants, including civil society organisations, media, university students, and business representatives, the aim was to make discussions on parliamentary debt oversight accessible and engaging for all Zambians, with a focus on youth and marginalised groups. The event served as a platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and raising awareness about critical issues related to public debt, emphasising the crucial role of parliamentary oversight. The lecture had four panel discussions that spoke to the aim of the event.

The event drew a diverse crowd, including civil society organizations, debt alliances, media, university students, associations, and business representatives. The aim of the meeting was to bridge the knowledge gap and make parliamentary debt oversight discourse accessible and engaging for all Zambians, especially the youth and marginalized groups. We also emphasized the crucial role of parliament in ensuring responsible borrowing and effective public debt management. The public lecture served as a vibrant platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and raising awareness about critical issues facing Zambia. We zeroed in on the paramount importance of parliamentary oversight.

Opening the event, CUTS board member Mr. Sajeev Nair underscored the significance of transparency, accountability, and public participation in effective public finance management. He shed light on Zambia’s challenges, including high and unsustainable public debt levels, lack of transparency, weak revenue collection, and inefficient public spending. Furthermore, the discussion highlighted the profound impact of these challenges on Zambia’s marginalised communities, encompassing youth, women, and persons with disabilities.