The Better Exploration of Trade as a Means for Poverty Reduction (BETAMPOR) Project is a continuation of CUTS-International Lusaka’s intervention in parching leakages in Zambia Aid for Trade agenda with the aim of contributing to meaningful development and reduction of poverty.
The project was conceived after the CUTS piloted project whose outcome reveals a number missing links in Zambia’s realisation of the envisaged outcomes under its Aid for Trade agenda such as the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF).
The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is a special initiative to mainstream least developed countries into the international trading system. First launched as the Integrated Framework in 1997 (to help LDCs to cope with the implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement), it was revamped as EIF after a decision by the WTO (World Trade Organisation) Ministerial Conference held in Hong Kong, China in 2005. EIF aims to mainstream trade into development strategies and policies of the LDCs by identifying the main constraints that they face in taking advantage of trade for their development and by proposing solutions to those constraints.
The BETAMPOR project seeks to complement the activities under the EIF in Zambia such as awareness raising as well as capacity building on EIF and related issues by reaching a larger number of grassroot constituents with the purpose of getting the grassroots engaged with the EIF process. This will be complimented with properly redefining trade and development related priority areas through a more inclusive approach – that is, better (more knowledgeable) participation of non-state actors in the trade policy-making process in Zambia and in the planning and implementation of projects under trade-related initiatives such as the EIF.
The objective of the BETAMPOR project therefore, is to build capacity of state and non-state actors (especially at the grassroots) in order to strengthen and influence participation in the EIF process thus helping promote the utilisation and ownership of the process.
The Objective of the BETAMPOR project is to build capacity of state and non-state actors (especially at the grassroots) in order to strengthen and influence participation in the EIF process thus helping promote the utilisation and ownership of the process.
In the process of attaining this objective, the BETAMPOR project will also focuses on other intermediate objectives and outcomes, which include the following:
- Existing trade related initiatives tapped into by identified district and community level actors and national trade dialogue (including the development of Aid for Trade strategy) participated in by stakeholders from all levels
- EIF and Aid for Trade processes are adequately gender mainstreamed and consider gender issues in all decision-making and planning processes
- That Zambia’s national development strategy adequately addresses trade.
- Chilipamushi bemoans state of C/belt towns
The Post online, January 28, 2011
- Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES)-Zambia - Zambia Consumers Association (ZACA) - Oxfam Zambia - Economics Association of Zambia (EAZ) - Cross Border Traders Association of Zambia - Zambia National Farmers Union (ZNFU) - Zambia Export Growers’ Association (ZEGA) - Zambia Development Agency - Zambia Bureau of Standards - Zambia weights and Measures - Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection-JCTR - Zambia Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry - Zambia Association of Manufacturers - Centre for Trade Policy and Development - Civil Society for Poverty Reduction
CUTS Africa Resource Centre, Lusaka
Plot 6078/A Northmead
Great East Road
P O Box 37113
Lusaka, Zambia
Fax: + 260-211-294892