TV discussion: A Zambian Perspective on SADC Regional Integration

Lusaka, March 28, 2023

CUTS organised a live television discussion on Diamond TV under the theme “A Zambian Perspective on SADC Regional Integration.” The panel consisted of esteemed individuals who provided their insights on the matter:
Mr. Sajeev Nair: A distinguished member of the CUTS board.
Mr. Jacob Makambwe: Secretary General of SACBTA (Southern African Cross-Border Traders’ Association).
Mr. Dante Saunders: Renowned political activist.
Ms. Sharon Simwanza: An accomplished independent consultant.
Dr. Chungu Mwila: Respected academician representing Zambian Open University.

During this discussion, these panelists engaged in a comprehensive exchange of ideas and viewpoints, shedding light on the various aspects of SADC (Southern African Development Community) regional integration. Their diverse backgrounds and expertise provided a well-rounded analysis of the topic.