Consumer Unity and Trust Society (CUTS) has charged that there is need for Zambia to seriously address its supply side constraints if it is to become influential on the global economy.
The recent World Bank and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Annual Doing Business Report for 2011 has ranked Zambia among the top 10 countries worldwide that have improved the ease of doing business for local firms in the past year.
The report indicates that Zambia, Rwanda and Cape Verde are among the top 10 economies worldwide that have moved up for the past year.
Zambia moved eight spots up and Ghana leads the world in making it easier for businesses to obtain credit while Malawi is top in improving contract enforcement.
However stakeholders in Zambia feel that there is still a lot that needs to be put in place for the country to get the deserved recognition.
CUTS acting Center Coordinator, Simon N’gona says that challenges ranging from economic infrastructure to domestic policies require a lot of reconsideration.
Mr. N’gona also observes that Zambia’s land transport is one of the poorest and needs urgent attention if the country is to create an impact on the global economy.
Mr N’gona has also urged government to take Zambia as a landlocked country has an advantage of enhancing its economy.
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