Itezhi Tezhi, May 8-9, 2024
To strengthen the advocacy and capacity building efforts on public procurement system in Zambia, CUTS Lusaka team travelled to Itezhi Tezhi District in the southern province of Zambia. The team received good support from the National Assembly Office. The visit was preceded by courtesy calls on the District Commissioners Office, the District Educations Board Secretary (DEBS), and the Council Secretary’s Office. Activities that followed included;
- A half-day capacity building workshop on 8th May, 2024 for Five (5) Community Leaders on different regulatory pieces pertaining to public procurement, a training on a monitoring toolkit to enhance their advocacy, oversight, and monitoring role in the procurement processes in the education sector and to reinforce their role in actively participating in community oversight for improved service delivery.
- Facilitating a Community Engagement Forum: A half-day community engagement Forum which was held on 9th May, 2024 for twenty–five (25) community members, local government, media, CSO representatives, to enhance the capacity of stakeholders and improve their analytical skills so that they can effectively engage with public procurement in Zambia, using the education sector as a lens.
- Concept note for the meeting in Itezhi tezhi
- Agenda for engagement meeting in Itezhi tezhi
- Enhanced Oversight and Monitoring of Public Procurement in Zambia’s Education Sector SYLVIA KAGULURAH – CUTS INTERNATIONAL LUSAKA
- Presentation on Community Participation in Monitoring Public Procurement in Zambia by Mr. Munenge Syamuntu –CUTS